
ATMAC Grant - Market Expansion, Diversification. and Sustainability.

The strategic vision of ANIC to achieve $2 billion in farm gate value by 2030 aligns with the Australian Agriculture vision to reach farm gate output of $100 billion by 2030.

ANIC has identified two main areas of focus to strategically target to meet its goals to expand trade:

  • Market Expansion based on research and relationship building
  • Sustainability Adaption

Market Expansion

The objective of this part of the program is to open, improve and maintain access to overseas markets for Australian nuts by building stronger relationships with trading partners, neighbouring countries and international organisations.


ANIC has identified substitute potential high growth export markets which includes Europe, UK, India, South East Asia and the Middle East, these opportunities need to be supported by targeted research and trade expansion events to build relationships to connect exporters with high value potential clients.

The research will focus on:

  • Consumers – To understand the opportunity with consumers, the market opportunity including demographics and geographical characteristics and the preferred supply chains including price elasticity of different nuts.
  • Trade and Market Access – How to do business in these markets including political; timeframes; supply chain; currency risk; duties/taxes and margins
  • Retail channels/Competition – Types of substitute products; nut products and current marketing and packaging. International marketing and promotion of internationally recognised Australian Nuts for Life program about the health benefits of nut consumption after decades of research in excess of over 500 scientific research studies and publications.
  • Marketing – Traditional and digital and analysis on what is culturally appropriate in each market.


Sustainability Adaption

The objective of this part is to produce verifiable change, which supports improved industry stewardship, innovation and sustainability and documents Australia’s “Clean Green” image. This outcome will remove trade barriers with some markets and enhance our reputation in others with a net effect of increasing export market availability and supporting industry growth targets.

Through research, development, education and training, information exchange and export strategy development ANIC will establish and implement  a resource bank for all current and potential nut exporters to form the basis for trade engagement and expansion. The dissemination of this information will lead to improved industry stewardship, innovation and sustainability outcomes that support and document Australia’s positive environmental credentials of clean green strategies to further support market maintenance and access. Australian tree nuts have a premium reputation based on its historical safety and environmental standards, but it must continue to move forward in a positive direction that responds to the “greening” of major markets. The EU Free Trade Agreement has the EU negotiators demanding more from Australia to identify environmental stewardship including reductions in greenhouse gas production.

The adaption must be multilevel from the local farm including, production, processing and biosecurity and industry level including climate change adaption, positive food nutrition, waste minimisation and identifying the global benefits of carbon capture and carbon production decreases.


Whole of the Australian tree nut industry including Nut Producers, Nut Processors, Nut Exporters. The outputs from this program will additionally provide an impetus and direction for other Australian horticultural and agricultural groups to follow on the reputation of the nut industry and achieve export market growth.

For more information, see the ATMAC media release.

Growing for Success 2022

In conjunction with the seven individual tree nut sectors, ANIC publishes Growing for Success every two years. This resource captures key industry information about each of the seven nut sectors, as well as whole-of-industry data, trade and export forecasts and an understanding of the current threats and opportunities facing the Australian nut value chain.

View the 2022 version below or click here to view the 2019 version.

Our Memberships

Collaboration with other stakeholders in the nut sector and the wider agriculture industry is a key part of our strategy. With this in mind, we are proud to be members of the National Farmers Federation via the Horticulture Council, and INC – the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council.